Thomas Alva Edison Class of 1968
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Thomas Alva Edison Class of 1968 - Guestbook

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Valerie Powell Cardinal - 01-28-2008
Hi there, Class of '68!  I've  been in California the last 40 years, but I have many fond memories of singing in Chorus, going to football games wearing green and white, wearing little ribbons, selling chocolate bars door to door, the boiler room explosion, participating in Spanish Club's festival, art class, getting out of swimming with lame excuses because of my hair, until I cut the hair off, and my nickname became 'Hair.'   Go figure.  I also fondly remember Pennington's sosh row, spring break water balloon fights, Christmas Eve church services, social club dances - the one dance I shall always regret not being able to go to, will you ever forgive me, Kerry Kline (sp?), the best ballroom dancer with whom I ever had the pleasure to dance - the slumber parties, rummage sales, volunteering, concerts, trading clothes with Susan Miller - you know, she looks like Barbara Eden? - still - playing all sports badly but with gay abandon, and talking way, way too much in class and getting better students in trouble with me.  I came late to Tulsa, but my life was enriched by my short time there, because of the Classy Class of '68.  Please let me know when the reunion will be.  Thank you for this great site.  Val  
Elayne Muratet May - 01-27-2008
So glad we have some dedicated classmates taking action to get us all together again.  Thank you Linda Hamilton Welch and Lynda Selman Swenton and whoever else in involved in setting up this website and our contact list.  
Look forward to seeing what dates and events will evolve.  I will be passing the word and this website on to everyone I still have contact with.  
It will be great to see everyone again.  
Bonnie Frank Runyan - 09-27-2007
Thanks for doing such a great job getting this organized.  Can't believe it's been 40 years!  Am looking forward to seeing everyone soon.  
Janice Baker LaGala - 08-04-2007
I don't know about you guys, but it just seems like a few years ago ... not 40!  
Patrick J Murphy (Pat) - 06-01-2007
Wow, just can't believe all this time has gone by. Really can't fathom the fact that I have 2 grand children (don't worry, they are prettier than I was LOL). Thanks for the hard work on this and do look forward to the reunion. When is it?
Miller Baird - 05-26-2007
Looks great, can't wait for the reunion, has it really been 40 years?
Carol A. Gasser Moore - 05-26-2007
You're doing a great job!  Thanks for the hard work on keeping us connected.

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