Thomas Alva Edison Class of 1968
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Thomas Alva Edison Class of 1968 - Guestbook

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Cathy (Carroll) Owens Akin - 09-17-2018
So glad to find out about the website.  Reunion was great. Still live in Tulsa, retired, and have a cat and dog. Do a lot of voluntering at St. John's Hospital, and my church.  We love to get together at anytime.  Home 918 742-8286, Cell 918 639-3394.

God bless our class those still with us, and those we have lost.
patrick davidson - 06-07-2018
hi, thanks to whom ever sent the invite and letting me know about yall.. truthfully,, didn't think of yall that much, except a few but those were fleeting.
rogers N Strickland - 04-25-2018
I am looking forward to the 50th reunion. Someone mentioned the day kennedy was shot and the day Mr. Poe had a epilectic sizzure in class and spun like a top to the floor. I remember running to the principals office to report it. lot's of memories!
Ben Johnston - 10-08-2017
Hello all.  Is anyone thinking of a 50-year reunion in 2018?  I would be there.  I'm living in Commerce, TX, so not too far.  Would love to see or hear from anyone from our class.
Ralph E Kassner - 05-05-2017
So many good memories  
John Thomas - 02-01-2017
Next year will be the big 50.  Just glad I've lived this long.
Billy Banks - 02-08-2016
Would like to just say hello to fellow classmates and hopefully attend the next reunion

Susan woods Taylor - 09-15-2015
Just trying to grow older gently!
Susan dolan - 03-12-2015
Going through my moms old stuff and found a Thomas a Edison high school ring from 1968.  I believe her husband found it when metal detecting years ago. Today would have been his 91st birthday, his daughter thinks if we can find the person this belongs to that would be a great birthday present.  If you lost your ring many years ago (20 to 30) please contact me and hopefully you can tell me about the ring and I will get it back to you
Marlene Kay Lumley Sheets - 02-09-2015
So sorry to hear about Susan.  We have lost so many in the last few years.  Doesn't seem like we should be old enough to be losing classmates.  I am so glad that we have this website that we can stay in touch with others.  I haven't been able to attend any of the reunions, but appreciate the' Lindas' for keeping things  going.  It has really been fun looking at the pictures and reading the messages.  Maybe, one of these days I will be able to attend and get re-acquainted again.  

Joyce Raines Anglin - 02-05-2015
I've been watching the message board for about a year now, and trying to locate special friends over the internet.  Haven't had much luck so I think a 2015 reunion would be great.  I volunteer to help in any way I'm needed.  Let's get this party started!!
Neva Rosanne Sundvahl - 01-10-2015
 HOPING TO PLANT SOME DELIBERATE SEEDS, in hopes of a 2015 reunion as most of us will be 65, I am posting now.
 Just rechecked some class pictures, and I have NO IDEA how I got my 'flip' to hold its' flip, as I still have very straight blonde hair.  Must have been tons of hairspray to make that 'hurricane hair proof' hair.
 Life is good for me, and I HOPE for all others in our GREAT class.  I love recalling memories as they will still make me chuckle......we NEED reunions so others can remind us of past crazy things we saw, did and likely shouldn't have done.
Kelly Mosier (Armstrong) - 01-28-2014
My dad (Bill) William Dal Armstrong Jr. Was from the 1968 class. I wanted to let them know he passed away on Saturday, January 25, 2014. His service will be Thursday
January 30, 2014 at Floral Haven at 2:00 in the St Paul Gardens. The visitation/viewing will be Wednesday January 29, 2014 from 10-9 at Moore's Southlawn Funeral Home on 51st between Mingo and Memorial and from 6-8 the family will be there.
Thank you
Kelly Mosier
Charles W. Shaw - 02-25-2009
I doubt if many of you remember me, but I was a student there at Eisenhower first, then Patrick Henry, and then Edison Jr. High.  We moved away after nineth grade so I missed the senior high years.  I actually kind of regret that because I recognize at least half of the graduating class, but don't remember the years.  

I do remember the boiler explosion and was in science class the day John F. Kennedy died.  I also recall that same year the teacher, a guy named Poe, had an epileptic seisure and was rushed to the hospital.  Does anyone remember the English teacher with red hair and one green strand hanging from her forehead?  She gave us grades for copying.  The students terrorized her until she was finally replaced by someone that we liked.

Anyway, I'd like to know when the next reunion happens so I can crash it!

If any of you remember me drop me an email.  I'd like to hear from you.

Charlie Shaw
Neva Rosanne Sundvahl - 11-01-2008
Hello all,
 I LOVED our 40th reunion!  IF you weren't with us, don't miss the next gathering, as we laughed till we cried.  It made me remember how much I LOVED our high school days and wonderful classmates.
 We live in S. TX from Nov. 1st-May 1st, on Padre Island, and then May 1st-Nov. 1st in Ruidoso, NM.  
 The welcome mat is very open for classmates so do call and visit us either in S. TX or S. NM.  We would love to share our worlds with you!
                         Regards,   Neva Sundvahl    
         361-949-8788 (TX) or 575-258-1224 (NM)

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