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Thomas Alva Edison Class of 1968 - Guestbook

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Joe Fleming - 10-21-2008
The past couple of days after attending the reunion there has been one central thought bouncing around in my pea-sized brain.  My life, our lives, has been so richly blessed.  I was really nervous about attending this reunion because I had never attended one before and it has been 40 years and quite honestly I was not sure anybody would remember me or recognize me.  I was overwhelmed by the warmth and kindness that was extended me throughout the weekend.  Words just cannot describe the joy I received by reuniting with friends from my youth.  Special thanks to Linda and Lynda for making this weekend very special for me and all.  Both of you are just as beautiful as I remember. And, to those of you who attended, I would like to thank all of you for making my time very special and helping me find some of those misplaced pieces of my life's puzzle.  God bless you all.
Jan Kelly Ambrose - 10-13-2008
I guess I'm like everyone else...has it REALLY been 40 years and are we REALLY that old??? I've lived in Tulsa all of my life and have 2 great kids, Kelly who is 26 and Austin who is 24. My grandson Parker is now 4 months old and I love spending time with him. My kids graduated from Edison...Kelly was a cheerleader and Austin was Mr. Edison. It was so much fun for me while they were in high school to relive all of the memories plus find out that a lot of their friends' parents graduated from Edison, so it was like old home week going to football, basketball and baseball games. I've been in the oil & gas business for....well...a very long time. I'm anxious to see everyone and I really appreciate all of the hard work and dedication both Linda's have put into this. Looking forward to seeing you all!!
Rebecca Rutledge Allison - 10-13-2008
It is rather ironic that I will actually be in Tulsa this weekend for a reunion -- family, not Edison.  The occasion is the celebration of my parents' 60th wedding anniversary.  I might be able to slip away and join you all for a bit late one evening, but I am not too hopeful.  I would really like to see everyone, but 60th wedding anniversary trumps 40th high school reunion every time.  Have a great time.
JOHN PARKS - 10-12-2008
Looks like I am going to have to work in Little Rock the reunion weekend.
Anybody that wants to get in touch please do at my email I'm still working as a photographer traveling the USA and am living south of Norman OK in Purcell my phone is
405 527 7543. I have 7 parrots 3 dogs and a goldfish. I'm pretty much online all the time. and lately have become an expert at free Texas hold-em poker. Unfortunately the free million chips don't pay the bills, but hey is fun anyway.

check out my FAVORITES at:
Denny Delk - 10-07-2008
The Lindas suggested I post this short epistle.
After much anticipation, I regret I will be unable to attend the reunion.  I've made my living as a performer since leaving high school, and during the festivities I must be in Seattle  to shoot a film .  But the show must... you know.  Too bad, too.  I still tell a half dozen stories gleaned (and embellished) from the ten year reunion.  I was looking forward to more tales that could grow in the telling.
Curriculum vitae for those interested:  Living on the San Francisco coast, actor, married to the same woman for 35 years (she's a novelist), one daughter, national vice president of one of the actors unions, and have to build a cage around my tomatoes to keep the deer out.
I wish you all a great time, and hope someone posts the un-photoshopped snaps from the omnium gatherum.  It would be great to see some of the old--oops--faces.  I'll raise a glass that weekend in your honor.

Denny Delk
Janet E. Russell-Geisler - 09-29-2008
How Linda found me is pretty amazing as I have moved around a lot in 40 years. I presently live outside of St. Paul, MN with my husband of 5 years.  Prior to that I was married to Charles Towry (?class of 65 or 64).  Charles was injured in Viet Nam and we were young and unaware of PTSS and our marriage didn't make it, but we had two wonderful children.  I married again in California and had a third child and was very busy with PTA, AYSO, the SPCA etc. I championed the pet foster care program in Oceanside CA at the start of the Persian Gulf war, even got a picture of me and one of the foster dogs in the Sun Newspaper.  Iwas legislative chairman for the PTA for many years and AYSO regional commissioner of S. Torrance.  I have been an RN for over 25 years!  Prior to that I got my LPN license from Tulsa Vocational School back in 1969.  I currently work in surgery at United Hospital and I am on the Heart Team, which is ever changing and challanging.  I have 8 grandchildren, two live here in MN with my daughter Ashley Towry.  My only friend at Edison was Sherry Renberg (HI Sherry!).  I started Edison in January of '68 when I moved to Tulsa after my dad died. I just got contacted so I am not sure I can make the reunion in October.  I will keep in touch with the site and try and make events I can, you all are just down the road a piece anyway.
John Butts, a letter to me...Linda Hamilton Welch - 09-18-2008
This was sent to me from John Butts on September 8, 2008
Dear Linda,  What a generous expression of kind thoughtfulness it was for you to include me in your class reunion announcement, mailing.  As I looked over your list of 'missing classmates', I saw many names which evolved numerous memories and excited me thoroughly.  About two and a half years ago I experienced some surgery which has left my walking impaired and I am dependent on a cane or walker when I go out.  So participating in your big October weekend is virtually impossible, but I would encourage you to share my phone number and/or address for any who should ask about me.  I am 75 and in good health but moving smoothly in crowds is out of the options.  Kindest thanks for you remembrance.  Sincerely John  
918-743-1560    2736 S. Gary Dr.  Tulsa, Ok.  74114
Kathryn Deatherage Deuser - 09-17-2008
ARRRRGGGGH!  I can remember my former in-laws going to their 40th.  I thought they were old and crazy and  couldn't fathom why they made such a fuss about it.  Guess I'm old and crazy now and I understand the excitement totallly!! See everyone soon.  
Hail Hail to Edison.

P.S.  To anyone who has read my bio--I do not own a 29m sloop.  I own a 9.2m sloop.
Eric Wilner - 09-11-2008
I will not be able to attend the reunion.  I thank all  involved with the planning and organizing of what will surely be a most memorable weekend down memory lane. This website alone has brought back many great memories for me.

I have lived and worked as a radiologist in the Boston, Massachusetts area since 1976 including during the momumental 'blizzard' of '78 (which might make me an 'Okie' New Englander at this point). I  have a wonderful wife and four grown kids (two daughters, a stepdaughter and stepson).

Regards to all.

Eric Wilner

Mike Lesch - 09-04-2008
Thanks to all who are putting the reunion together - sorry I won't make it, wish I could.
I've lived in NE Minnesota most of the last 40 years, married to my 2nd wife for 6 yrs.,2 daughters, don't know of any grandkids, did  mostly sales but changed careers & drove OTR truck for a while, also did a radio show on the outdoors for 12 yrs., medically retired, love fishing and making fishing rods for others and myself.
Would love to hear from others anytime.
Have a 'Soaring Like An Eagle' reunion!
Mike Saubert - 09-04-2008
Greetings from Mike Saubert. Although I will be unable to attend our 40th reunion in Tulsa, I want to extend my best wishes to all my fellow classmates. I have attached a recent photo of me and my wife of 29 years, Paula Ann McKee Saubert. We live in Erie, Colorado -- about 20 miles north of downtown Denver -- within eyesight of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. I am semi-retired from my own marketing company but take on an occasional temporary job to keep me in beer money (and out from under my wife's feet!) My wife and I enjoy gardening, travel, snow-shoeing and an occasional round of golf. We have two grown children, Andrea, age 27 (who is having her wedding engagement party the week after our reunion!) who lives in Arlington, TX and son, John age 37, who lives in Valdosta, GA. We have three grandkids – two in GA and one in Cleburne, TX.

While I will miss seeing many of my former classmates and friends at the reunion, I will especially miss seeing Scott Brown. I believe he recently posted a note to the web-site and said he plans to attend the reunion. I have not seen (nor heard) from Scott since our Sigma Nu days at the University of Oklahoma. I am thrilled Scott is still with us (as somehow we both survived our party days) and want to send him a special 'hello.'

Please give Linda Selman Swenton and Linda Hamilton Welch (and other volunteers) a big hug for taking the time to organize the reunion. If not for my daughter's engagement party, I would be there FOR SURE! Best wishes to everyone and I hope and pray that I'll be around to attend the next one! Hail Hail to Edison! Best personal regards, Mike.

Janet Ford - 08-30-2008
Its fun to read all these entries and hear about long lost classmates and friends.   I am not sure If I will make the reunion but hope I can.  I live in Olathe Kansas and have since 1992.  I have one daughter who just graduated college. I have worked with the same company for 28 years (through some mergers and buyouts and name changes :) )  I used to catch up with a few when I was traveling Oklahoma, however that has not been a part of my territory for the past 3 loosing touch.    I hope we can find a lot of the old friends that are still missing.... thanks to Linda and Lynda for keeping our class going.  Hope to see all of you in October.
Joe Fleming - 08-26-2008
I'm having some fun reading all this stuff about many memories...
I am broken hearted seeing the classmates that we have lost...Carol first love in kindergarten at Eisenhower Elementary School...she ended up dumping me for Joel Malahy.  I am going to try and make the reunion if I can work it out.  Have lived in Texas most of my life now and am still married to the prettiest girl in Texas, Jean.  We have two great kids, Lindsey and Doak.  No grandkids.  
It is just so cool to read about every one.  We have a great class with some outstanding people and it just so much fun to see how everyone has turned out.  I hope I can make the reunuion or at least part of it.
Special thanks to all those who work so hard to put this thing has got to be a huge chore and I am thankful to you all.
Sam Rhoades - 08-18-2008
Hi All--
I'd like to concur with everyone in thanking the two Lindas for putting all this together.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to be with you guys as I have a conference in Little Rock of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem....No, we don't ride horses but we are the direct line of the Crusaders of the 11th century.  It is a Catholic Holy Order that I was invested into by order the Pope a few years ago.  The concept now is to maintain and preserve the Holy Sites. ('d HE ever get in???)

Let's see if I can condense 40 years into 40 words....Married 35 years come January...3 sons...2 married...2 grandkids girl & boy....retired...lots of golf & volunteer work & director of Rhoades Charitable Foundation...Dad gone since '89...Mom remarried great guy...Bro Frank & Sis Marci (Stan Johnson) both in Tulsa...Bro Mike died in '04.  (OK...50...practicing for the next reunion!)

Big question I've had since HS.....Were Barbara Burkett (Speech & Drama teacher) and David Crowell (Stagecraft teacher) a thing or was that just something we gossiped about??  

Hope the Lindas send me a recap of the weekend....Drop me a line if you are so inclined.

Best to All,
Brenda Stockton-Hiss - 08-17-2008
Unfortunately I will miss this reunion. I'll be in New Orleans celebrating my daughter's birthday with her and spending a bit of quality time with a dear friend. Reading about members of our class who have died is heartbreaking. These lovely girls and boys will always be vibrant in my memories. I hope everyone has a wonderful time.

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